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Are you facing family legal troubles?
Are you facing family legal troubles? Do you want a stranger to your family and relationship making decisions for you?
The judge is limited in what he/she can do, but in mediation you can create your own agreement! Take advantage of my 25 years of experience in handling family law cases and custody matters; let me help you come up with a plan. I can help you and your spouse save thousands of dollars in legal fees, and more importantly, stay in control of your future.
See below to contact for further details!
***COVID 19 Update***
Mediation services may be through virtual sessions and at a reduced rate of $100/hr.
*Fees must be paid before service is rendered.

25 Years of Accumulated Practice
Request a Fee Quote
Take advantage of my 25 years of experience in handling family law cases and custody matters; let me help you come up with a plan. I can help you and your spouse save thousands of dollars in legal fees, and more importantly, staying in control of your future.
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