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There are two types of decisions to be made when going through a divorce: business decisions (who gets what assets or how much), and emotional decisions. Let me guide you through the transitions of divorce.


I will put my 25 years of experience, knowledge of and respect of the court system, and my business approach to work for you. Along the way, I will be here to listen to you, remain attentive and be your advocate. Let me help you to continue moving forward and manage life after divorce successfully.


If you and your spouse have an agreement but do not know how to proceed, I can represent you for a fixed, reduced fee. This is called an “uncontested divorce”.


I can not represent both parties, but I can represent you, give you legal advice, and draft all of the necessary documents. Your spouse will have the option of also being represented by an attorney, hereafter, all the paperwork will be done. 

 25 Years of Accumulated Practice

Request a Price Quote

Let me help you to continue moving forward and manage life after divorce successfully! 

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